Thursday, April 4, 2013

Earth's Layers and more!

Hi students, this is my first time to post a blog online for all of you to use and for our first time we will be reviewing parts of the earth's surface with fun facts, images I have found, and a short quiz at the end. Good luck and enjoy!

Here is an image of the Earth's layers. As you can see the Earth is divided into four parts. Next we will label them. 

Earth's Layers

Here is an image of the Earth and its layers labeled. Based on the layers what do you notice about each layer?

1. Which layer looks to be the thickest?

2. Which do you think is the thinnest?

After watching the video I have provided let's see what else you can learn about the layers!

Bill Nye Video 
Click on this link if the video does not open.

QUIZ-  to test what you have learned!

1. What is the thickest layer of the earth?

2. List the major divisions of earth from the inside to the outer portion.

3. Which of the following of the earths layers is the thinnest?

4. Which layer is the coolest?

5. Which layer of earths surface is the hottest?

6. Name the layer between the crust and outer core.

1. mantle 2. Inner core, outer core, mantle, crust 3. crust 4. crust 5. core 6. mantle

More interesting facts!

  • The Sun is 333,000 times as large as our earth.
  • Only 11 percent of the earth's surface is used to grow food. .
  • 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered in water. .
  • Planet Earth rotates around the Sun at approximately 1000 miles per hour. .
  • The Earth is like a great big magnet,so it pulls everything towards it. This pulling force of earth is called gravity. .
  • Earth doesn’t take 24 hours to rotate on its axis.It’s actually 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds. .
  • A year on Earth isn’t 365 days .It’s actually 365.2564 days. It’s this extra .2564 days that creates the need for leap years. .